Many people approach fitness the same way, they jump in as hard as possible, diet hard, train hard, and get burnt out within a few weeks. That leads to many people giving up. This can even happen to someone with years of fitness experience who tries to start a new diet and training program. The best thing you can do to make sure this doesn't happen to you is continue reading this article to find out 5 mistakes thousands of people make!
1 - Not Planning Ahead
You have to plan ahead if you want to succeed with a healthier lifestyle through diet and fitness. Your diet, your training regime, your individual workout sessions, and your goals, both long term and short term, need to be planned before venturing into a new world. Failure to do any of these things listed could be catastrophic for your fitness lifestyle. Randomness is not always good, especially in the world of fitness!
2 - Excuses
Excuses are too common in our world today, and they are even more common in the fitness world. just because you have a little cough and no other symptoms does not mean you should put off your workout (unless you actually feel sick of course). Just because tonight is Friday and your buddies are all going out to the bar and they want you to come doesn't mean you can't workout. Eating healthy is too expensive is another excuse we hear all the time. In reality, it isn't really expensive at all. Excuses are completely worthless so why even waste your time making them up. If you want a better body and better overall health, quit making excuses and step up to the challenge. You don't succeed in life by putting stuff off because you have a 'good' excuse.
3 - How Often To Workout
Do you think working out for 30 minutes a week is good? Well, some people do. Do you think that you should workout everyday for 2-3 hours? Surprisingly, many people think so. Working out too little or too much won't get you anywhere. You have to find the happy medium to see how much you need to workout. If you workout too little, you will never meet your goals. If you workout too much, you risk injury and overtraining. Sticking to something like hitting the gym 3 or 4 times a week for about an hour each time is something good to go by. In fact, thousands of people already follow workout routines that follow that schedule!
4 - Magic
There are no magic pills, magic diets, or magic workout programs. If you don't want to put in the hard work and effort, you aren't going to succeed. I hate to sound mean but it's the truth. Stop believing TV commercials and awesome advertisements.
5 - Comparing Yourself
So many people lose motivation because they choose to compare themselves to somebody else, usually with more experience under their belt. Don't compare yourself to anybody. Your genetics are different than everybody, so you can't make comparisons that aren't fair. Instead of comparing yourself to someone else, why not compare yourself now to yourself a year ago. That is something that should motivate you dramatically!
Now you have read the 5 easiest mistakes to avoid in the world of fitness. If you set realistic goals and don't make the mistakes listed in this article, there are very few things in the world that can stop you from reaching them. Feel free to bookmark this article and come back to it anytime!
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